10 Commandments for The Mountain Snowmobiler:
Canadian Wilderness Adventures knows what it is like to get stoked on heading out and up on what looks to be like an epic day…bluebird, lots of fresh pow…but please remember to always play it safe. Canadian Avalanche Centre has these 10 Commandments to always keep in mind.
Know the current avalanche forecast
Have a plan for your trip & choose terrain based on the avalanche forecast
Have a Plan B for simpler terrain if avalanche conditions are at all questionable or have changed rapidly
Ensure that everyone in your group has a properly working avalanche transceiver, shovel and probe on
their person and knows how to use it
Only allow one person on a slope at a time
If crossing an avalanche path expose only one person at a time
Watch or gather in safe area, never in avalanche run out zones or terrain traps
Always pay attention to snow conditions and the terrain above you as you move through areas
Gather frequently in safe areas, and discuss your route observations
If you others in unsafe situations, speak up